





Workshop december 3, 2011

2011/12/03 BONG!!生活禪工作坊

Sandesh workshop helps me to watch my body mind connections. The moment we have a workshop I feel an urgency to discover my body different from when I do meditations without his presence. His speaking is clear and simple. It’s a pity I do not understand Chinese, but I feel the speaking is very clear and simple. Also he is very relax while giving a workshop, he is enjoying himself to share.



For this workshop he has a series of exercises to let participants watch their body, mind, blocks. He emphasis on the hara and to move and do every exercise from hara. We turn hips. This sound easy but after many years of workshops I can watch I every time did not totally understand or feel how to do. My hara I can keep inside but on a point turning to the left I go out of hara and turn automatic my body to disconnect. I can feel a pile of pain and emotions in this point I was not ready to watch before.



Today I become more aware of my block with speaking. I never can imagine I have something interesting to say. This part I have since I remember and in a group I seldom speak. I do not like to speak. I feel very uneasy when I listen myself speaking. Only with small children I feel free.  I can let my voice come from hara in the exercise of hoo but the moment when I speak to somebody my voice will change and I feel helpless to find words.



Until lunchtime my head feels like it wears a helmet. There is a lot of energy in my body but my head keeps sleepy. It is like I am not there. In mandala running I can connect and go into the running. I break through my own mind setting. I do not want to walk, I am tired but still I am running and enjoying. It is good to take a shower in lunchtime. The hot water makes my skull softer, it is like I can throw out the helmet in my head what blocks all energy.



After lunch we do I love myself . After some minutes speaking out loud I love mira, I find myself crying. It is a healing crying. It opens the energy in my belly.  In I hate you I throw a lot of angry energy out.   In my belly I feel more relaxed and the energy what comes free from belly stops under my throat.  My bones stick some out under my throat. I can feel how this is the result of a life time of blocking energy when I am angry or disagree. I do not let it come out.



Kundalini today is different. The body is relaxed, the shaking can go easily through the body.  With Namaste I am happy to meet the other participants. We are all looking for our Buddha and it is good to support each other.



December 4


We start with dancing. My body still feels alive and energetic from yesterday’s group. The dancing of everybody is more energetic as yesterday. Like we are another group of people.  With turning hips I can feel the meaning of the exercise again deeper.  With shaking I feel the energy going up from right side and blocks at left side. The difference of flow in right and left side of body makes me feel disoriented. Sandesh shows me which two points in my legs block the energy. The pain is coming out. He touch and it is very painful. Yesterday this pain was not there. The shape of my legs and knees has changed. My balance is different. My feet though did not change at the same speed to support this new position of my knees and legs. When I stand only two small spots of the feet touch the floor. It is difficult to ground and to find balance. At the end of the workshop my feet have changed and it is again possible to ground on my feet.



Today Sandesh teach us how to give therapy to another person’s body. The exercise shave a big influence on the body mind connection. When we do kundalini at the end of the day my mind does not recognize this body anymore and I feel I should stop to watch the body and understand with the mind what happens or what has changed. This new body has a new life, the person behind this body has changed. I am not the same anymore.



My yawning problem comes up again. I laugh then a big yawn. I continue laughing and again a big yawn. It falls over me. I recognize it as my MS problem. I have a point in my body when energy touch it I just get a command to my brains to feel sleepy and I yawn. This time I could ignore the command to sleep, I yawn and continue the exercise.



In the workshop we do a lot of exercises with opening energy and before I would get dizzy, sick, sudden tired, headache. I would sit and do the exercises I could do. This time I did almost every excersise. I have a lot of energy, but down in my skull there is a part very closed. Every time energy touch it, it resist with giving me nausea, headache, sudden tiredness. Then on top of that my body gets cramps or disconnects.



Today in the workshop suddenly I could not move my leg anymore. I watch my leg and it is as if it is not mine. Sandesh touch one point in my legs and I can find connection again. I feel when it comes this getting paralysed but cannot stop it every time. Clearer and clearer I can watch how body, mind and emotions result in MS as disease.



Thank you Sandesh.









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